The $1,000 a Pill, $84,000 cure, that costs Gilead $67 to make...
40 of the Most Powerful People in Healthcare
Kevin E. Lofton. Kevin Lofton is the president and CEO of Denver-based Catholic Health Initiatives, the third-largest Catholic healthcare system in the nation with $9 billion in annual revenue and 73 hospitals. According to Mr. Lofton, CHI is developing accountable care organization pilots in four markets and will invest $1.5 billion in EHRs and other IT systems from 2010-2015 to enhance quality of care. The hospital system is in the midst of a potential merger that would put Jewish Hospital & St. Mary's Healthcare and University Hospital in Louisville under the control of Catholic Health Initiatives by merging the hospitals with St. Joseph Health System of Lexington. The merger has met with controversy because the hospitals have agreed to follow Catholic healthcare directives, including not providing sterilization and birth control. The company also recently acquired therapy services from Applied Medical, a large independent physical and occupational practice in North Dakota.Over $2,000,000 Gilead Stocks and $400,000 salary as Director of Gilead Sciences, the pill that blacks can't afford, worldwide.
Response to Hep C Treatment Worse for Blacks - WebMD
May 26, 2004 - The rate of chronic hepatitis C infection is about twice as high for blacks in the United States as for non-Hispanic whites, and the rate of infection ...
Hepatitis C Statistics - National Medical Association
African American Hepatitis C Statistics. African American represents 13% of the U.S population, but make up about 22% of the chronic hepatitis C cases.1 ...
National Medical Association
Top Stories : Black Women With HIV and Hep C Less Likely ... › Treatment News
Sep 7, 2012 - Much is known about the prevalence, course and treatment of chronic HCV infection in blacks, including those coinfected with HIV.Hepatitis C Virus Infection in African Americans
Clinical Infectious Diseases
by BL Pearlman - 2006 - Cited by 27 - Related articles
African American persons with hepatitis C–related cirrhosis have higher rates of both hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cancer–related mortality than do white ...Hepatitis C in African Americans - HCV Advocate
by AJ Muir - Related articles
A report using these data estimated that 1.8% (3.9 million) of the U.S. population had a positive HCV antibody test but found this rate was higher in blacks than ...Hepatitis C Statistics - National Medical Association
African American Hepatitis C Statistics. African American represents 13% of the U.S population, but make up about 22% of the chronic hepatitis C cases.1 ...
National Medical Association
New hepatitis C drugs could overwhelm Medicaid agencies
Feb 28, 2014 - Because the prevalence of hepatitis C is about two times higher among Medicaid beneficiaries ... Will there be a black market for the drugs?
The Pew Charitable Trusts
DailyTech - Hepatitis C "Miracle Drug" Will Cost Americans ...
Apr 3, 2014 - The broken system has also created a thriving black market of ... For now, when it comes to Hepatitis C the sucess rate is so high and the ...
Hepatitis C crisis in Black community
Nov 19, 2013 - The study “Hepatitis C: A Crisis in the African American Community” ... in higher primary liver cancer and death rates due to liver disease in ...Hepatitis C Drug Price Limiting State Medicaid Approvals ...
Mar 5, 2014 - The price of Gilead Sciences Inc.'s $1000-a-day hepatitis C pill is ... to be black, less likely to finish high school than the average American and ...
Bloomberg L.P.
We all pay for $1,000 a pill drug
We all pay for $1,000 a pill drug
Kevin Lofton Just Stole 10% of your healthcare premium money, because everybody's rates go up when the cures cost skyhigh. Your healthcare premiums pays for Gilead Gouging even if you don't have Hep-C.
Gilead Science, Eugenics Mass Murder of the Poor
American Standard Version
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